How CauseAChatter gave more meaning to my blogging

When we began the Blogging With A Purpose track at Blogchatter, our intent was for us as content creators to give our blog a valuable purpose. We could have a niche blog or a blog that covers multiple topics, but at the end of the day, the journey feels wholesome when we are able to…

Lost and found- the story of a comeback

During my childhood I spent a lot of time exploring my creative side- whether it was discovering new people or what lies across the world through books, or dancing, participating in sports, playing dress up following instructions from the Childcraft books, which was my Google at that time (I made a pretty good ghost and…

When words sustained us

“Experience your pain. Embrace your silence. When the time feels right, find your way back to your words — and write.”― Sandra Marinella When life seems like a walk uphill, we need all the energy we can muster to make that climb. Hope gives us that energy. But what if you begin to lose your grip…

Sylvia Plath and how mental illness is romanticized

Her poetry has seeped into all forms of culture and you just cannot talk poetry without mentioning Sylvia Plath. But in what way? The circumstances of her death opened doors to misinterpretation of her life…

The misunderstood artist- Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent struggled in obscurity during his life. Paralyzing anxiety and depression sent him spiraling in turmoil and eventually claimed his life at 37 years of age. There are so many questions and misconceptions around the young artist’s life. Many books, movies, and theories attempt to explain Vincent’s artistic ability and the trauma he went through and somehow draw a connection.

The Multiple Faces Beyond One

We find ourselves in different situations on a daily basis, because that’s what life is made of. Our response to various areas of life is widely influenced by our childhood, our environment and relationships with people we interact with. Our personality is multifaceted and it should be. But what happens when our multifaceted personality become…

Where Is The Light…

The darkness engulfed you until you could breathe no more Everytime you looked around, you only saw a deep sadness Was it pain, was it hurt, it was more than that, you know Into the endless abyss you were sucked. Emptiness was all you felt, and then you felt nothing at all. Shutting your eyes…


A thing which had been discarded and, instead of having been disposed off with the other useless things, had found refuge in the solitary ward of Number 7. It was the most beautiful thing in the entire asylum, more beautiful than the bed of wild flowers along the wall of the compound.