4 fun things my wheelchair can do

Since I am so used to my wheelchair, I hardly noticed how very functional it is. It acts as a storage, a car, a ladder, sabzi (vegetable) basket, a rocking chair, and oh, it also helps me move around. Over the years, I learnt to maneuver it with ease, and also have fun with it….

A dark, stormy night and a blood curdling scream

This post needs a Ross kind of hi. A couple of weeks ago, the evening sky became dense and a low rumble said that it was going to be a long night. The ethereal twilight glow faded as clouds gathered and soon big heavy drops of rain fell to the parched ground. Excited, I watched…

Types Of People During Lockdown

Disclaimer- By reading this post, you are subject to certain risks. Any resemblance you may find to the characters mentioned are intentional, but meant for entertainment purposes only. Tread carefully, you might find your clone 😛

I am a Writer, Therefore I am…

The grass is green on neither side! The grass is green only when it is nurtured. Whether it is a 9-5 job or a freelancing job at your own time, each has its misconceptions. I’ve been writing as a freelancer for over two years now, and I have found myself in many strange, interesting and…